No Bake Graham Cracker Pie Crust

                            Graham Cracker Pie Crust 

I am a big fan of the graham cracker pie crust. It's one of those things that no matter who makes it you know it will taste good. Someone go through all these steps to make this crust and even bake it, but to be honest you don't have to. Here's what you need.


1 1/2 cup Graham Cracker crumbs
6 Tablespoons Butter (melted or softened whichever you like better)
1/3 cup sugar 
Pie pan or cups

Making the graham cracker crumbs. Place your graham cracker in a blender and press grate, if you don't have a blender or aren't allowed to use one this just gets more fun because you can crush them really easy with your hands. S'mores graham crackers are easier to crush with your hands by the way. 

Once your graham crackers look like sand you can place them to the side and soften or melt your butter. You can soften the butter by heating it in the microwave for about 10 seconds or by leaving it out on the counter for a while it shouldn't take to long. Fun fact butter than doesn't soften on the counter when left out is very bad for your heart, the general rule is if it won't soften on the counter it won't be soft on your heart. 

Add your butter and sugar to the graham cracker crust and start to mixes, it's easier if you use your hands for this, and mix the crumbs until it looks like wet sand. You don't want big clumps because that's just a big piece of butter covered by crackers. It should look like the photo below.

Now that your crust is mixed, fill you pan or cup to the top with the crumbs and start to press it into the sides until all of them are covered the pressed crust. Once that is all packed in start to pack the bottom of the pan. 

 Once everything is all packed well place it the refrigerator to set for 30 mins to an hour until the all the butter has cooled and the crust if firm. After the crust is ready you can fill it with whatever delicious filling you like.  


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