The Start of my AmeriCadian Journey.

Finally Got A Canada Work Visa!!!

Dear Friends,

I am so excited!!! I just got my work visa to Canada which will allow me to look for work and work in Canada for a year or two. The process was fairly simple and hired a company to send me all the links and forms I needed to fill out to get the visa. I had to dan an FBI background check and lots of online forms to fill out and then about a three-week wait to see if I would get the visa or not. After Shridi didn’t have any more fingernails to nervously bite off, I got my visa! After I got the visa I had a lot more paperwork to do the DMV papers, notaries, and goods list. Wow, so much work to do, and so little time.
Well, I'm not ready to move to Canada yet, I need to find a job which means I need to start looking. I also need to move all of my stuff to Canada. Soo….. I’m going on another weeklong road trip to Canada! Also, until I find a job I will travel back a forth from America and Canada so that I can keep my job in America. I mean I have to pay bills after all, but I will be spending a lot more time in Canada. I can use the time to learn about my new home, because right now all I still know about Canada is maple syrup and that they love hockey.
 First on the list though is the big road trip. I'm going to take another week, because let's face it driving sleepy isn't safe so I have stop to sleep, eat, and sightsee. Shridhi already lives in Canada and is going to help me move. Which is super exciting we haven’t been on a road trip together in about a year. Anyways.... I have to pack up all my stuff somehow and fit it in my car, I don’t think one trip will do it. I now have less than a week left to pack so this is going to be a crazy, plus I didn’t take off of work so I have to work and pack!
Shridhi has taken to making sure I have all my paperwork and picking out our pit stops and sightseeing. The trip is pretty much a surprise for me because I'm too busy to think of anything besides packing and filling out paperwork. Well, I got to go get a game plan for the rest of this packing because I have way too much stuff at my dad’s house. I will keep you posted with these new letter blogs to you all my friends.

Wish me luck packing,

P.S. Be sure to comment below with questions, comments, or good luck notes. Whatever you want to write really because you don't have to be a Google member to comment so go crazy lol.  


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