
Showing posts from 2017

End to My AmeriCadian Journey

 America to Canada Mide trip between South Dakota and Wyoming   Dear Friends, I finally finished my America to Canada road trip. The trip got off to a bad start when Shridi was forced to check in his bag on the way to America. When he arrived they lost his bag, and I had to take him to the mall to get some clothing. The good news is they found his bag just in time for us to not be late starting off on our trip. Everything was going better until we got to the hotel. In my room, the shower was broken and I didn’t know. When I turned on the shower to make sure it worked, the shower head moved and sprayed water all over me, normally I would think of that and stay out of the way, but there is a first time for everything. Don’t worry though the trip started to go well after that we got to see all we set out to see and more, with no issues and it was wonderful. All in all the tri0p took us a week to complete and we were so sleepy when we got to Canada. It was totally worth and we

The Start of my AmeriCadian Journey.

Finally Got A Canada Work Visa!!! Dear Friends, I am so excited!!! I just got my work visa to Canada which will allow me to look for work and work in Canada for a year or two. The process was fairly simple and hired a company to send me all the links and forms I needed to fill out to get the visa. I had to dan an FBI background check and lots of online forms to fill out and then about a three-week wait to see if I would get the visa or not. After Shridi didn’t have any more fingernails to nervously bite off, I got my visa! After I got the visa I had a lot more paperwork to do the DMV papers, notaries, and goods list. Wow, so much work to do, and so little time. Well, I'm not ready to move to Canada yet, I need to find a job which means I need to start looking. I also need to move all of my stuff to Canada. Soo….. I’m going on another weeklong road trip to Canada! Also, until I find a job I will travel back a forth from America and Canada so that I can keep my job in

328 Feet above Canadian Soil. Bridges in the Sky.

328 Feet above Canadian Soil. Bridges in the Sky.        Canadians and the soil they live on have always had a rocky history. That was the first things I learned when I decided to go to Canada for the first time. The land can be harsh and barren and in most places, it is impossible to grow anything that can be eaten by people. This may be one of the reasons there aren’t a lot of people in Canada, but where there are people there are a lot of them. Bad soil is not something you would notice however if you went to Vancouver because it is full of greenery, which may also be why it is full of people. In some places it wasn’t always that way, and still isn’t and people are far and few between. Then there are some places where oh there the most wonderful sights you will ever see. Vancouver is one of them. Two of the best places to check out the profoundness of Canadian outdoor beauty are found in Vancouver. They are called Lynn Canyon Park, and Squamish BC in Vancouver and they are w

St. Josaphat Basilica’s Spectacular History. Milwaukee's Most Wonderful Mystery.

St. Josaphat Basilica’s Spectacular History. Milwaukee Most Wonderful Mysteries.             On our trip to St. Josaphat Basilica we found out that it was just as spectacular in person as it is in photos. The problem is Wikipedia doesn't do justice to how spectacular it really is. The basilica was commissioned by Pastor Wilhelm Grutza 1896. The new Basilica was set in motion to replace the local Polish church that was too small to fit the 12,000 Polish immigrants that flooded its holy halls each service. That's a lot of people right! The problem was finding building materials for a church that could house that many members. Pastor Grutza received word that a Post Office and a Customs House in Chicago were about to be demolished and bought 200,000 tons of scrap materials for $20,000. Which wasn't cheap, back in the 1800s 20,000 dollars would equal 800 million dollars today (that looks like this 800,000,000). If the church raised that much money from their member

A Taste of Vancouver.

A Taste of Vancouver Three Best Places to Try  By Keylowha 2/26/2017 Vancouver is a big melting pot of many cultures, lots of people from lots of places come to together and make some pretty amazing  foods. Things that can only be described as some of the most interesting, most mixed up, most beautifully tasting  food I have had in a long time. It’s different and some how  its better. What I'm talking about is fusion food, when you take one cultures cuisine and mix it with a different cultures cuisine. In the case mixing Canadian style with another style. In Canada the food tastes fresher, the egg yolks are yellower, and when you put the best of multiple worlds together you just get heaven in every bite. So for my travels to Canada has left me eating more and more food every time I visit. It is hard to say what the best food I have ever had in Canada is or even what my top picks are, everything is delicious. I can tell you my top picks for this trip I am on right now

Winter Road Trip Tips.

Winter Road Trip Tips. By Keylowha              I remember when I was little my family went on this road trip in the winter which wasn't uncommon for us. We were so young it is actually a little hard to remember the details but this year something different happened and I remember that. The car broke down and we were stuck in the middle of nowhere in the winter on the side of some dark highway in the middle of the night. I know scary right but don't worry my parents had a plan. I remember being stocked into warm blankets and a truck driver stopping to help us. Yes, folks traveling in the winter doesn't have to put you on the evening news. There are things you can do to stay safe and stay warm. Water- this is actually a no-brainer. On any road trip, it is important to carry water, even if you are only going three hours away from home water is life so you should c