Easiest Mirror Glaze Recipe Ever!

That's Right I Said Easiest Ever :)

I know they say it’s hard, I know they said not to use chocolate wafers, I know they say you have to practice this forever to get it right. But it’s simply not true. Making a mirror glaze does not have to be like pulling out teeth. It can be easy, and yes even fun, and it sure is amazing to look at. Here is my easy mirror glaze recipe that anyone can do. Also quick note putting this on top of smaller bite size cakes and treats is better. Mirror glaze is hard to cut because it's so sticky. Adding a few different color chocolate wafers makes different colors of glaze without having to use those bad tasting dyes.   
12oz bag Walton Chocoate 
1/2 cup water 
1 1/2 cup sugar 
2/3 cup condensed milk 
1 TBS vanilla abstract 
19 grams geliton powder 

Mix 19 grams of geliton into 1/2 cup of water and set to the side to bloom.

Add 2/3 cup condensed milk, 1 TBS vanilla abstract, and 1 1/2 cup condensed milk into sauce pan and heat on medium stove under sugar has completely desloved into the milk. Once the sugar is completely desloved turn off the heat and add in the bloomed geliton, stir until geliton is completely desloved into the sugar milk. 

In a mixing bowl add chocolate and pour liquid mixture over chocolate mixed together until chocolate melts completely. Be sure to mix the glaze slowly until warm to touch to prevent large bubbles and skin from forming in/on the top of the glaze. 

Once the glaze is warm to touch (almost room temperature) slowly pour glaze over forzen cake and enjoy. 


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