America and Canada Road Trip Mapping.

Mapping the Way from America to Canada.

By Keylowha 10/12/2016

I am super excited. I just got my passport a few weeks ago and Shridhar and I got news that we get to go to Canada. We really like to travel and I have pretty much seen all of America, there are still a few states I need to go to. Besides America, I have also been to Mexico many times (you know back when people didn’t need a passport to go there). But Canada! Wow! How this happened was Shridhar actually just got a new job there so he is moving to Canada. Since he has a car that was actually manufactured in Canada, he can take his car with him instead of having to sell it and get a new one. This means we get to drive to Canada.

I can’t believe it. We are super excited because not only do we get to go to Canada but we get to road trip there as well. So the trip will start in Saint Louis, Missouri and end in Vancouver, Canada. This will be our longest road trip going through four states in America and three provinces in Canada. Here is a photo of what that will look like. 

So far we think that the trip will have us going through Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. Now this next line might sound kind of bad but we don’t really know a lot about Canada. I know, I know, America is so close to Canada, how could you not know anything. Well, Americans actually don’t know a lot about Canada. I mean we know they are famous for hockey, maple syrup, speaking French, 'their funny accent', and not locking their doors. I also know they say house differently than how we do here in America and maybe I know a few other things, like about the history/future of the Key Stone Pipeline LX. Shridhar was actually the one that knew they called their states provinces.
We plan to be on the road for almost two weeks, stopping at different places to rest and take in some sights for a day or two before heading back out on the road. My new must-haves for this trip are camera lens for iPhone and new hiking boots. My last hiking boots saw their last days at the top of Pikes Peak when they filled with water at the sand dunes below I knew it was sadly time to let them go. Camera lens for the old iPhone - now I am so sure that Shridhar is not going to see this as a must have but I remember the places I couldn’t take my camera, and all the wide shots when I couldn’t get everything in the picture. See the iPhone doesn’t zoom out all that much so there are times when I can’t get all the beautiful mountains and waterways in the shot. I am sure that once he sees the before and after shots with and without the lens he will start to realize how awesome it is to have. Other than that we have everything we need and we just can’t wait to get started. For now, the only thing we need to get started on is packing. Ciao!


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