Contre Jour Game Review

Contre Jour

By Keylowha 11/6/2015

I just got done playing and making a video review for the game Contre Jour by Chillingo Ltd. It’s a physics-based puzzle game that takes you through different worlds and gets harder as you play.  The game was made by Mokus. This game is actually really relaxing, the piano music is beautiful and the pace of the game is as slow or fast as you need it to be. It isn’t timed and so you can relax and take your time as you work your way through each puzzle. I know the game has been out for a while but I have never heard it, I made the first video review my first time playing it, but as you will hear me say in if you watch the video the computer deleted it.
The Tadpole I called Onesies (Onesies is the name I give the character in the game) Onesies real name is Petit, and I also described it as a monster tadpole, but it is actually a blob.
The game holds a lot of meaning its name, for example, is Contre Jour which is a photography reference, the blobs name Petit is a reference to Le Petit Prince, in fact, it seems like a lot of the game is a reference to La Petit Prince.
The music by David Ari and the art by Mihai Tymoshenko really helps bring the whole feel of the game together. I have certain games I like to play at certain times, this is defiantly the game I would play to unwind, relax, after a hard day, or before I go to bed. One of the things I really like about this game is all the meaning it has, it seems that the people who created it really put their thoughts and emotions into this game. They made a game that can be both relaxing and interesting to play but also fun at the same time. It really has all the makings of a classic and timeless game. If you haven’t played it is available on any device, it really is one game you shouldn’t miss.


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