
Showing posts from January, 2018

Easy Dragon Fruit Nail Art DIY

Chinese Fruit Themed Nail Art Our trip to China has been so much fun. We got to ride the sky, and see The Bund, and go shopping in Peoples Square. I woke up before everyone today and realized firstly that it was one of our last few days here, and secondly that everyone was sleeping and I was wide awake. So I decided to do my nails and use a yummy Chinese fruit as the theme, to celebrate the fun we have had eating and walking around in China. This is a very easy DIY let’s start with what we will need to make these cute nails. Items needed ·          Zigzag nail tape to represent the points on the dragon fruit. ·          Green micro glitter or green fairy dust ·          1 paint brush ·          Thick clear nail polish aka top coat ·          Pink nail polish the color of the dragon fruits peal ·          Fimo nail art that looks like dragon fruit (If you can’t find this at the store you can get it on eBay for 99 cents or less) For everyone who doesn'

The Bund, Shanghai China.

Travel the World and Never Leave The Bund.  Bund Bull          There are a lot of miss conception about China you hear on a day to day basis and while most of them are true they are not true about the whole of China. Shanghai has always been one of the jewels of China, as far back a most written history goes from all around the world Shanghai has always been the next big thing, the place to go, the place you can see something different, learn something new. Shanghai is still that way and is a cutting-edge city in China. The Bund is amazing the place to go if you to take a big bite out of World history all at once.   Architecture The Bund 2017 The Bund 1920             Its architecture is one of the first things you will notice before the plane even lands (if the flight attendants let you open the window) you will see perfectly symmetrical buildings in precise rows. The military precision that was put into each row, into each brick is a wonder in itself.